Needs, needs, needs!

Needs, needs, needs!

Think of a kitchen renovation like a person. Each of us needs food, water, shelter, connection, sleep and something to look forward to. Kitchens like this one in Wilsonville, OR need drywall sanding and a 2nd coat of joint compound prior to texturing. The ceiling...
Not your Grandma’s kitchen sink

Not your Grandma’s kitchen sink

This kitchen in Tigard, OR is straight out of a favorite tv sitcom from the 50’s!  It’s a blast from the past with all the modern conveniences. Soft colors and finishes. All they need to add is a cute grandma with freshly baked apple pie! Carpenter and Co-Founder...
Mamas and the Papas

Mamas and the Papas

SheBuilds Kitchens, LLC is a family. And we do jobs for our families as well! Today SheBuilds Carpenter and Co-Founder Bryan reinstalled the cabinets for his mom and dad out in Hillsboro. Assistant Carpenter and nephew Nick helped him out. About ¾ inch needed to be...
Let there be…hot water!

Let there be…hot water!

Toss out that tea pot! There’s no need to clutter your stovetop when you have InSinkErator Instant Hot Water Tank installed. An Instant-hot and dishwasher were installed at this project in Hillsboro, OR today. There are LOTS of uses for Instant hot water besides hot...
Installation 1-2-3

Installation 1-2-3

When you watch those home reno shows it’s like shelves, appliances and shelves just APPEAR as if by magic. Here at SheBuilds we know it takes precision and technical savvy. It can however feel magical with such a talented team of staff and subcontractors! This project...